Monday, March 9, 2009

Still alive

Hey there,

Everything is going well over in Africa. I just spent a 4 day weekend at the beach which was awesome.

As far as GW goes, I just read an article in the Hatchet about tour guides ( which isn't too nice. I give tours for GW and while I do sugar coat some things, what would the author prefer me to do? It is in every GW student's best interest to have lots of kids want to go to GW. The more kids that apply the more selective admissions can be, which makes GW a better school and thus our degree more valuable and all that. And what does he think tour guides at other schools do? I definitely point out all the things that I like and the cool experiences I've had and I've never lied on my tour. Also, GW doesn't even pay us like most schools do because they think it's a conflict of interest. So the author should rethink his stance a little...

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